Because a thousand words could get daddy a new picture
The Archive of Endangered, Special, or Fun Words
The List of E.S.o.F. Words
ablectick- SPECIAL
a'blectick, a. Obs-[? f. ablect-us separated, selected; a word of doubtful existence in L.] 'Any thing garnished for sale.' Cockeram 1612, from the Oxford English Dictionary 1989 2nd edition (the 20 vol version). Even having typed in the definition from the OED I still do not really have a clue what it means.
posted by mghall
You say "facetious" is a word with all five vowels in alphabetic order... well I know another, and here is. One more thing, "abstemiously qualifies just the same as "facetiously."
posted by max
abstentiously- FUN
The third (of three) words in the English language with all five vowels (+ y) in the correct order.
posted by William_Jesdale
abstruse- ESOF HAT TRICK
The only person I've ever heard use this word is that irascible neologist Frank Zappa, but I was delighted to find that it is in my dictionary. It means exactly what it sounds like--a cross between abstract and obtuse.
posted by mrshea_ais
Spiritual torpor, world weariness, a common Medieval malady of spirit.
posted by mason
ameliorate- SPECIAL
This word absolutely will not cross my lips without making at least one lap around the inside of my mouth. It cavorts around in there, then rolls itself into order, and finally escapes in a cascade of barely-organized individual sylables.
posted by boberwert
anabasis- SPECIAL
It is the only word I know that defines itself, its opposite and something in-between. It means : to go forward, to retreat and to remain where you are, I think that's quite interesting....
posted by ndowney
angst- FUN
'Nother 1-vowel beauty! but it makes me very anxious and apprehensive not to be able to buy any more vowels...I must be insecure!
posted by juditeachr
antediluvian- ENDANGERED
Ante(before)- diluve(flooding)
Means very, very ancient; before the time of the great flood 2nd chapter of the bible (the one with Noah in it)
posted by tcctam
apogee- FUN
It means a point at which the moon is farthest from the earth. It sounds cool.
posted by rpoleski
I can just picture the bulging eyes and reddening, outraged face of the person described. It is really a great word.
posted by 103637.717
apotheosis- ESOF HAT TRICK
I've only ever seen ths word twice in usage - once in Stephen Donaldson's Thomas Covenant Chronicles and as the name of a techno band in the 90's. It means, "to become a god; to be raised to god-like status".
posted by smcgrath1
applause- SPECIAL
Sounds sophisticated. Much better than the inane (another great word) "put your hands together" that most entertainers say these days. Do they think we don't know HOW to applaud?!?
posted by deborah55
asymptote- SPECIAL
A math term for a curve on a graph that approaches a value, such as zero, and continues on to infinity without ever touching that value. It's special because it contains "symp," but not in the middle of the word where you usually find it (eg. "symptom"). Also can be used as an insult: "Her ex-boyfriend is such an asymptote!"
posted by DrErin16
atavistic- SPECIAL
A kind way of referring to something or person as "Neanderthal" or low-wattage in thinking and being.
posted by bagpipes
Have you ever seen it used to refer to anyone *other* than Amelia Earhart?
posted by ccarroll
This word is one of the few that is traceable to an Indo-European root. One wonders why an axe is something we keep around linguisticallly, and not flower or love or poetry?
posted by Vdismas
ballyhoo- FUN
Sensational or clamorous advertising. Which means one of those really loud commercials on syndicated TV at one in the morning is an example of "ballyhoo." The word is also a synonym of "brouhaha" (q.v.).
posted by djb6
barmpot- FUN
A slightly deranged person.
posted by 73732.724
bathyscaphe- ENDANGERED
Once traveled worlds uncharted dangling from a cable and hose.
posted by Soma
bedouin- FUN
I used it in a 3rd grade writing assignment that I recently found and have no idea how I would have known what it meant at age 8!!!! Now I just have fun saying it really fast and emphasising the "nnnnnn" on the end. Try it for yourself!!!
posted by groovy_lady
blatherscythe- FUN
Is along the same lines as "flapdoodle" - meaning useless phraseology. Can also be used as a modest replacement for "expletive deleted". E.g. - Oh, flapdoodle and blatherscythe, I just shut the car door on my finger!
posted by humph
blob- FUN
If ever there was a FUN word, this is it. Who on earth decided that a labial stop should follow a round vowel? It sounds STUPID.
posted by glanv
blort- SPECIAL
"blort" is generally a word of convenience. The actual handiness of the word abounds when one is attempting to make a point, but forgets a word or two: simply insert a "blort" into the empty spaces and continue merrily on your way. Your audience may even believe that you are incredibly wise because (if "blort" is used correctly) doubtless they will assume by your confident manner that you actually KNOW what you are talking about.
posted by sh1768
To bloviate is to speak loudly and at great length without saying much. Not only is it fun to say, but I can use it to describe at least one person I come into contact with every single day. Oh joy!! Anyway, I don't think you can find it in the dictionary anymore, thus the endangered label
posted by teclo420
bookkeeper- SPECIAL
"A person who keeps and, or, maintains books". How many other words can claim to have three sets of double letters in "immediate sequence" (OOKKEE)?? ALL the people I know love and cherish this word (sad or what ?).
posted by posted by Joe McNocher
The behaviour of a boring person...
posted by roshimaster
I know all of two people who ever use this word, me and a friend. It's quite delightful to say, and it's such a chipper word for something that means "an imaginary object of fear." It certainly sounds imaginary!!
posted by kakunaa
buttload- FUN
A whole lot. Equivalent to two cheekloads.
posted by Richie Millennium
cacodemon- SPECIAL,FUN
The "term of endearment" old Queen Maggie used for Richard III... quite the describer of the monstrous stinker!
posted by posted anonymously
cacophony- ENDANGERED
Riotus commotion, or terrific noise. A great word, seemingly lost among the din (Good, but not as cool.) of modern life.
posted by dmidd00
A pile of cattle dung-a much nicer term than the more vernacular ones.
posted by AlGVOL
/charnk/n. 1. An item which is disgusting, smarmy, disappointing, or otherwise mediocre. 2. An expression of disgust. adj: charnky, charnkish
posted by eaudelune
Since it means, approximately, "wary", people tend to "correct" it to "wary". But it's much more fun than just IS.
posted by phils
chiaroscuro- FUN
Its an italian term used for the interplay of shadows in a picture. I like it cause its fun to pronounce. Kee are o scu ro.
posted by juri_77
choinque- SPECIAL,FUN
/choynk/ n.:1. An item, place, or person possessing a positive, exceptional quality. An item of undefinable, indescribable goodness. 2. An expression of great enthusiasm, often used in the face of the aforementioned item. adj:choinquey, choinquish
posted by eaudelune
cockshut- FUN
Unlike many other words on this list, this is one you have the opportunity to use every day. It means "evening time, or twilight". Just think of how much better the Platters' song would have sounded: "Heavenly shades of night are falling, it's cockshut time."
posted by JohnP71
comprise- ENDANGERED
Like whence, comprise is in danger of having no discrete meaning. Most folks use it as a synonym for "compose." In fact, it's compose's antonym. The dastardly United States Senate comprises many enemies of free speech on the Internet.
posted by tadelaun
concubine- SPECIAL,FUN
The word concubine just conjures up so many images unrelated to kept prostitutes. It sounds a lot like "combine", that large piece of farming machinery. It also sounds like "porcupine", which most people also do not associate with sex. It leaves the mind awhirl with strange combinations of thoughts and images, which makes it a special and fun word.
posted by asarkozy
confound- SPECIAL
Generally, it means to utterly confuse. But it can also mean to stop someone's efforts or to foil plans. In addition it makes an excellent mild expletive, as in, "Confound it!" Now...isn't a word with so many meanings "special?"
posted by bryersmom
conundrum- FUN
a riddle, or an intricate problem...whatever it is, it's just fun to say!!! i say it all the time when i need a smile :-)
posted by kakunaa
copacetic- FUN
3 C's in one word! It means OK.
posted by ddb
craptacular- SPECIAL,FUN
The opposite of Spectacular.. just think of how your best friend will feel when you tell them their new haircut is craptacular!
posted by jeaninedargis
crepuscular- ENDANGERED,FUN
Referring to twilight or dusk falling-- but it's just so beautiful to say. It rarely comes up in English; I learned it because in Spanish, that twilit time is called "crepusculo." Sounds even better like that: cre-PU-scu-lo. Yeah!
posted by ske
Look ma! No vowels!
posted by buena
curmudgeon- FUN
Never one to be particularly interested in what a curmudgeon was, I've always enjoyed the mere sound of the word. Getting to call someone a curmudgeon just makes it that much greater.
posted by Richie Millennium
Even orange has a rhyme, but not this gem of a word... Unless you speak LISP.
posted by hurukan
Meaning "mountain hollow" or "rounded valley". Pronounced "koom". Probably from Welsh. What a bizarre-looking word. It also makes an appearance in some sort of sentence in which each of the 26 letters of the English alphabet is used exactly once.
posted by djb6
It is an old English word meaning a dullard, a stupid person
posted by baadaass
This is my favorite word. It means something that lowers one in social status. I use it to describe anything rude or vulgar. Also, it is supposed to have accent marks on both E's. Day-clah-say. It sounds so classy.
posted by dnlipe
desquamation- SPECIAL
The unappetizing condition of having one's skin fall off due to its being EXTREMELY waterlogged. Usually only a danger to people left bobbing in the sea after some appropriate disaster. But, it's also a fun, if obscure threat for anyone hogging the bathtub or shower.
posted by tjf
desuetude- SPECIAL,FUN
Okay, it means "the state of being no longer used or practiced;" like the word itself, for instance. That's why it's Endangered. It's special because it can be legitimately pronounced /des'wi tyood/ (though /dees'wi tood/ is the more common (?) pronunciation. Of course it's fun. All words no-one knows the meaning of are fun.
posted by usul
diamond- FUN
It is a word you use when something is great or cool or just plain ol' neat.
posted by h_jk
It means especially good at teaching. Confuse people in general whenever they try to teach you something by complimenting their didactic nature.
posted by glick
doppelganger- FUN
Though meaning a ghostly double of someone who is living, I think it appropriate in modern useage for that "person" someone is always telling us that we remind them of? ! Rarely ever see them, either, do we!
posted by juditeachr
dysania- SPECIAL
The state of finding it hard to get out of bed. I'm sure we've all experienced this one time...almost as intriguing as resistentialism(seemingly spiteful behaviour manifested by inanimate objects).
posted by roshimaster
dysphemism- FUN
An antonym of 'euphemism', dysphemism is the substitution of an unpleasant or derogatory word for a pleasant one (Concise Oxford). Saying it reminds me of how my mouth feels when my brain short-circuits and I'm left spewing random syllables until everything gets back on track.
posted by makinen
This means 1) an image or phantasm of great beauty, or alternatively, 2) a person or an image of a person who is ideal in some way. I just like the way it rolls off of the tongue...
posted by jwmeyer
One of my favorite words. Doesn't it simply exude images of a dark, (probably) haunted forest inhabited by elves and witches? The pronunciation, spelling (the "t" is, of course, quite essential), and meaning all seem perfectly matched.
posted by rtoews
elucidate- SPECIAL,FUN
I feel so terribly better informed when something has been elucidated for me rather than just being explained.
posted by pentcheff
The formal name for the question mark "?".
posted by akcmak
esophagus- FUN
Very fun to say, but you don't usually get a chance to say it by accident. You have to make it happen.
posted by Richie Millennium
evancalous- FUN
Means pleasant to embrace. cf callipygian and bathykolpian.
posted by usul
Stinking (from the Latin fetere - to stink)
posted by clatham
It's an uncommon word, easily misunderstood in conversation, and hard to define. Yet for all those qualities, it describes perfectly the other-worldly quality of some people, places or things.
posted by lwilk
fissiparous- FUN
adj. Tending to break up into parts; divisive.
posted by 102662.3610
flapdoodle- FUN
n. Something foolish, meaningless, or worthless; nonsense.
posted by 102662.3610
flibbertigibbet- ENDANGERED,FUN
(flib er tee jib it) - An irresponsible, flighty person. Don't think I've ever heard this spoken.
posted by culby414
Endagered, of course, flibbertigibbet (a silly person) is fun to say (just say it three times and you can join the fun too!). It is special because the word is featured in a great musical . . . The Sound of Music. Dont say the word too long or you might become flibbertigibbety (silly)!
posted by lenrios
floccinaucinihilipilification- SPECIAL,FUN
Pronounced: flox-ee-no-si-ni-hi-li-pi-li-fi-cay-shun. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, this is the longest word in the English language. It means "the act of rendering as useless." This word is one letter longer than antidisestablishmentarianism, and contains much fewer morphemes.
posted by lre135
fornix- FUN
Sounds like something that might occur illegally in the subway, but in reality, it is a part of the brain called the Hippocampus-which is actually another fun word!
posted by lynmarie
forswunk- ESOF HAT TRICK
I heard this one on Jeopardy! recently. They said it meant overworked, as in, "I am forswunk and underpaid!" The only problem is: I can't find it in my dictionary.
posted by Teachchem2
frangible- SPECIAL,FUN
means designed to be broken easily
posted by EmmaJ
It's a dowdy dress.
posted by Bryersmom
adj. "being chubby and somewhat squat". I have never heard this word used by anyone in my entire life, so it must be endangered; any word with such an interesting line up of letters like f-u-b-s-y is special; and if you say it outloud in a Sean Connery voice you will certainly know that it's fun. It's also a lot nicer than "fat".
posted by endlessnan
fungible- SPECIAL
This one was in Newsweek. It means interchangable.
posted by Teachchem2
gallimaufry- ENDANGERED
A jumble; a hodgepodge. [French galimafrée, from Old French galimafree, sauce, ragout : probably galer, to make merry; see GALLANT + mafrer, to gorge oneself (from Middle Dutch moffelen, to open one's mouth wide, of imitative origin).]
posted by 102662.3610
gardyloo- ENDANGERED
It's what folks shouted when they tossed slops from second-floor windows in colonial times and before. It comes from the French garde a l'eau (watch out for the water). I found the French phrase incorrectly presented in one U.S. dictionary as gare de l'eau (water station) so even the bastions of the English language seem to be having trouble preserving this word.
posted by lpearson
gargantuan- ESOF HAT TRICK
This word is derived from Rabalais' novel "Pantagrel and Gargantua," in which Gargantua is a giant person. He came out of the womb at 11 lbs. Gargantuan refers to anything big in size.
posted by lydec
A word meaning anything that is highly amusing or hystericly funny.
posted by posted anonymously
glycyrrhyza- FUN
Scientific term for licorice. Kinda fun to say. *grin*
posted by jzhang
googleplex- SPECIAL,FUN
Much more than a zillion, a googleplex (10 to the power of a google, where a google is 10 to the power of 100) is the highest number in the English language. I just like saying the first GOO-GUL part.
posted by mskelley
gregarious- FUN
Social or companionable. Tending to or living in flocks. First heard it as a high school sophomore to describe me and my friends (I'm sure I don't know why).
posted by joninet
A rare and seldom, make that practically never, used word from the OED; Webster's Third Unabridged Dictionary. I find it an amusing little word, due to the fact that it is widely thought that the only two words in the English language ending in the letters 'gry' are hungry and angry. Wrong. We musn't forget the diminuitive word, gry, which means very small; dimiuitive.
posted by nwheeler
gumption- ENDANGERED
It 's the same as ambition, but was abandoned long ago for words that don't sound like something gross. i.e. I don't quite have the gumption to weed through all of these dying words, but I'm sure glad someone does! You would think there'd have been a revival of this one, considering it's resemblance to a fictional charater who was full of it.
posted by rusputin
guttersnipe- ENDANGERED
It's not completely extinct; it was in "Satanic Verses" and might have a better chance of survival than the author, but it is rarely used. And in an age when many have "the manners of the gutter," it probably should come back into vogue.
posted by jhainthaler
To make tracks. It's hard to find a way to use it without being immediately followed by "thee".
posted by Richie Millennium
histrionic- SPECIAL
Adjective -- excessively emotional, calculated for dramatic effect.
posted by justint
ignimonious- FUN
Embarassment, total embarassment. (c. Mrs. Slocombe, "Are You Being Served" PBS Tv show.) Ex. "Oh how ignimonious!"
posted by ramizad
indubitably- FUN
This word is fun in our house because my husband just CAN'T pronounce it!
posted by J.Bell
interdigitation- ENDANGERED,FUN
The act of holding hands. These days, both the word and the act are endagered and fun. Try it. Ask your date to INTERDIGITATE with you. Did you get your face slapped? You said it right!
posted by sseabolt
interrobang- SPECIAL,FUN
A punctuation mark that is a cross between a question mark and an exclamation point.
posted by justint
The Jovian moon. At two letters, it's the shortest two-syllable word that I know about.
posted by spike
ipecac- FUN
Who cares what it actually is? It looks cool and sounds even better.
posted by justint
kerfluffle- FUN
Basicly, it's used in the place of Whatchamacallit, or thingamajig. Only it's sounds better and less people know what you're talking about.
posted by ClayMed
knucklehead- ENDANGERED,FUN
When was the last time you called someone a knucklehead? Anyway, any word with two k's in it is OK in my book.
posted by tvila
That which is bovine; cattle; cows. Actually I think it refers specifically to grazing cows. My dictionary doesn't give enough detail. I first used the word in a story in 1982. (And I do love cows, so what other word could I submit?)
posted by moodymoo
English has lost all too many useful conjunctions.
posted by aaron_j._dinkin
lilliputian- ESOF HAT TRICK
This word refers to an object or person who is particularly small. It is derived from Johnathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels," in which the little people were from the town Lilliput, thus they were Lilliputians.
posted by lydec
limen insula- FUN
Sounds like an ingredient in Sprite or a piece of land in Great Britain, but its actually part of the hypothalamus in your brain, where RAGE happens
posted by lynmarie
loquacious- SPECIAL
Loquacious means 'given to using too many words,' although I've never believed there is such a thing.
posted by closr
lozenge- FUN
What a guttural word! Just sit there and say it in low tones. It's too fun!
posted by Richie Millennium
medulla oblongata- FUN
an anotomical term for a part of the brain- it sounds like an incantation or spell....(or a dirty word in a foreign language?)
posted by jmartin
misogynist- ESOF HAT TRICK
A woman-hater. Very endangered, fun because it sounds like you're rubbing something, and special because I actually did use it in casual conversation once (to a friend that I knew would know the meaning).
posted by joninet
moribund- ESOF HAT TRICK
It means "about to die". It's endangered 'coz nobody actually uses it; it's special 'coz it's therefore self-descriptive; it's fun because any word ending in "-bund" just HAS to be fun!
posted by aaron_j._dinkin
morphologic atavism- SPECIAL
Special because it's TWO words which mean an evolutionary throwback, such as a caveman. Handy as an insult.
posted by ABBYNORML
mugwump- FUN
Although it means a bolter from the republican party, or an independent in politics, it sounds to me like some strange being that lives in ancient forests and under moss-covered bridges.
posted by walkabout
narcissism- SPECIAL,FUN
It means "Love of one's own body." My favorite form of the word: Narcissistic.
posted by aldur
narcolepsy- SPECIAL,FUN
"Condition characterized by brief attacks of deep sleep." It is treated by another Special/Fun word.... Methylphenidate.
posted by CHRIS12584
Webster Definition: 1: a potion used by the ancients to dull pain and sorrow 2: something capable of causing oblivion of suffering.
posted by aldur
numulicious- SPECIAL
It's better than delicious... Nummy, Yummy, and delicious.
posted by zstein
obsequious- ENDANGERED,FUN
Describes someone who is full of or exhibiting servile compliance, or is fawning.
posted by ssmith04
obstreperous- ENDANGERED
My grandmother always told me I was being obstreperous and I could never understand why she sounded angry about it. I thought it meant some kind of distant cousin of the brontosaurus, which sounded pretty good to me.
posted by eyelashes
octogenarian- ENDANGERED
People who are in their 80's - I should know, my parents are! So I get ample chance of using it - as in "my octogenarian babysitters" and the like.
posted by tullym
octothorpe- SPECIAL,FUN
It's the official name of the "#" aka the hash mark or pound sign. You gotta admit that octothorpe rings like a man in plate mail falling down a flight of stairs...
posted by brandi
omphaloskepsis- ESOF HAT TRICK
I'm not sure of the spelling and it's not in a normal dictionary, but I know it's a word. It means "the act of examining one's belly button." Trust me.
posted by vcarbonell
Omphaloskepsis - contemplating one's navel. From the little used 'omphalos', meaning navel. If you don't buy that, you may be an omphaloskeptic.
posted anonymously
ornithocoprous- SPECIAL,FUN
It means "covered in birdstuff"
posted by mj
ornithopter- ESOF HAT TRICK
A flying machine that mimics the flight of a bird, i.e., flapping wings, etc.
posted by macq
osculate- ESOF HAT TRICK
To kiss. Fun to say, obscure, and cleverly misdirective because of the technical ring to it. Usage: Dear Mom: Here at college, I've been spending a great deal of time pursuing osculatory activities. But I don't spend _all_ my time studying...
posted by andyhall
osmazome- FUN
posted by jim
ostentatious- SPECIAL
It means showy, pretentious. The wonderful thing about it is that the only way to use the word ostentatious is ostentatiously.
posted by Randy_Crane
pabulum- SPECIAL
it means interesting and nutritious stimulation (can be used to describe intellectual type stuff or food), but also is it's own antonym with another meaning being mindless, bland entertainment
posted by justahannah
palimpsest- ESOF HAT TRICK
not sure which category to put this in... endangered cuz i've never heard it? special because it sounds like something illegal that hillbillies would engage in? or fun because no one would know what you were talking about? It's a parchment previously written upon that bears traces of the erased text... found this one looking for another word... "panegyric"
posted by justahannah
pandiculate- FUN
posted by jim
percolator- ENDANGERED,FUN
Not only is it fun to say, it is an important early-morning household appliance.
posted by eng
perfunctory- ENDANGERED,FUN
My Mom is the only person I ever hear use this word anymore. Means routine but there's nothing routine about the way it sounds. Confound your friends with this great one knows what it means and they'll be too embarrassed to ask.
posted by deborah55
This word relates specifically to routinely doing things in a careless and superficial manner.
posted by ssmith04
persiflage- FUN
Enough of serious talk! Let's engage in persiflage, i.e. frivolous talk.
posted by alexander.dreier
perspicuous- ESOF HAT TRICK
posted by olsen
petulant- SPECIAL
Johnny Cochran used this word to describe Marsha Clark sending her into one of her visceral tantrums and resulting in pure entertainment for the viewing audience. Thank You Johnny!! It was a pleasure watching Marsha Clark work.
posted by gibber
philology- ENDANGERED
The study of words and linguistics.
posted by Strike-team
Means a strong and unnatural craving for a paticular food. Like the night my boyfriend mentioned lemons and I was dying for a yellow tangy juicy bite... or my random craving for cold raw delicious fish... or that overwhelming desire for breakfast tacos full of potato and egg and white cheese with hot sauce...
posted by tsarina_amanda
pilgarlic- ENDANGERED
Actually classified as an obsolete word, it means "A bald man" (apparently with reference to a peeled head of garlic).
posted by zablocki
plethora- ENDANGERED
Excess, superabundance. Think how history might have changed if everyone embraced this word. "Come on over baby, a plethora of shakin' goin' on."
Longest word in the English language, found in a 1948 dictionary. Maybe there's a longer one now? It's a condition (osis) of the lungs (pneumono) caused by very (ultra) small (microscopic) particles of silicon from volcanic dust (koni). Use this in the footnotes to your monthly status reports.
posted by jim.johnson
porpentine- ENDANGERED,FUN
Another cool Shakespearean word--"Like quills upon the fretful porpentine." It means porcupine, but sounds so much better.
posted by ccarroll
portcullis- ENDANGERED,FUN
It's that gate behind the drawbridge of a castle that goes up and down, and it just sounds so nifty!
posted by aaron_j._dinkin
potto- FUN
It's a small but very handsome lemur, related to the bushbaby and possibly to the aye-aye.
posted by john.cohen
preternatural- ENDANGERED,FUN
It's somewhere between "unusual" and "impossible", with just a hint of "spooky", as in, "The house was preternaturally quiet."
posted by aaron_j._dinkin
proclivity- ENDANGERED,FUN
Proclivity, proclivity, proclivity. It just rolls off the tounge and hangs out there in the middle of the room. For those who are reaching for the dictionary, don't bother. The word means an untoward inclination towards something objectionable. "He had a proclivity for women's shoes." Of course, it depends on who you talk to as to whether an inclination towards women's shoes is objectionable. Anyway, proclivity, proclivity, proclivity...
posted by pma_news
A prole is someone of the very lowest social class, well beneath a mere Plebian. Sympathy for the "economically disadvgantaged" has put it out of vogue, making it all the more fun to call a prole a prole.
posted by JShamlin
Pugry is a kind of cloth used (in the 1930s in the usa) for making hats. It is an "obsolete" word (meaning that it's not used much any more outside the hat-making community) but it is one of the only three words in the English language that ends with the letters "gry" (the other two being angry and hungry).
posted by slmndr
It means "breathtaking beauty" but it sounds like it has something to do with vomit or rotten meat. Gotta love it!
posted by endlessnan
v. "to make a paymeny or contribution of money," usually used with 'up'; e.g. "Pungle up!" Now I ask you, what could be more endangered, special, and fun than "Pungle up!" ???
posted by endlessnan
pyorrhea- ENDANGERED
I like it because it rhymes with diarrhea, it is fun to say, and it means pus in a tooth socket. Nowadays, people just politely say, "I had a root canal." You can sing it to the Cinderella song: "Cinderelly, Cinderelly..."
posted by lynmarie
qunck- SPECIAL
(kwunk) [from QuoteUnQuote = QunQ = Qunck] [mod. colloq] n. a game in which language is utterly destroyed by the re-arrangement of words, the object being to move the words so as to restore the original meaning; played by one or more persons, causing great merriment among them. | v. t. (to qunck) 1. Archaic, obsolete - Willfully to disrupt, deconstruct, or dismember language or text (as wanton schoolboys qunck without remorse, etc. etc.). 2. Modern - To endeavor to restore structure and meaning to language (and, by extension, life itself) which has been wantonly destroyed (see 1. above), and thereby to solve cunning language puzzles. 3. To play the game known as Qunck(tm)
posted by 73732.724
racemic- SPECIAL,FUN
Featuring 2 copies of the letter 'c', each pronounced differently. Means a mixture of isomers having different handed-ness.
posted by ddb
recalcitrant- ENDANGERED,FUN
Recalcitrant. "Obstinately defiant of authority or restraint." Plus it's fun to say. Recalitrant. Recalitrant.
posted by CHRIS12584
Means "the act of removing; a removal". As often as move, motion, and remove are used, it's funny that you almost never hear this one.
posted by justint
Like idiot or s**t for brains, only more sophisticated. Sounds a bit like repugnant.
posted by linus
salacious- FUN
prurient... another delicious word, but sadly, it doesn't begin with "sal."
posted by onlysal
It means composure or coolness in dangerous circumstances (and it's also the name of my band)
posted by clatham
schadenfreude- SPECIAL,FUN
Joy in the misery of others.
posted by wd_zzzz
schnabel- FUN
This is the German word meaning "the beak of a bird" (German is my mother tongue, even though I live in South Africa). Try saying THIS one twenty times without cracking up!
posted by tullym
sciolist- FUN
One who pretends to know all, a blow-hard, who actually knows little or nothing. See also: occasional coworkers, Dilbert inspirations, etc.
posted by klessa
sequoia- FUN
Just say it out loud. It's a lovely, wonderful collection of sounds.
posted by
It's the original non-word. Can be used as noun, adjective, or verb. I think that this word is gradually falling into disuse, now that I can't seem to find "The Smurfs" on TV anymore. Oh, well. It's still fun to use, and almost anyone will recognize it.
posted by hamilga
snood- FUN
An article for holding back a woman's hair. But you never see them at Wal-Mart!! Why?! Why is there no Snood section?!
posted by selamb2
The winning or conclusive blow in a fight/argument. You've heard the phrase sock it to 'em? well guess what 'sock' is short for...
posted by baadaass
The act of talking to oneself, which is a little embarrassing to get caught doing; but it is such a delicious word to say softly!
posted by lynmarie
spackle- SPECIAL,FUN
It just to seems to have a ring to it. That and "grout".
posted by mrme
spatchcock- ESOF HAT TRICK
Literally, a foul killed, prepared and cooked immediately; by extension, a hastily constructed argument. Synonymous with, but more beautiful than, the common or garden 'cobble together'. cf SPATCHCOCK regarding eel.
posted by glanv
spleenish- ESOF HAT TRICK
it is kind of like cantankerous(which come to think of it sounds EVEN BETTER!!!). it comes from the old medecal belief in "humors", the spleen produced the humor responsibe for, ......well........ spleenishness
posted by www.fairyprincesstom
sternutation- FUN
I put this in a column once. It refers to sneezing, not the act of, but a noun that refers to the sneeze itself. Of all the things to have a word for!!! And yet it sounds so intelligent...
posted by 57chevy
sterterous- SPECIAL,FUN
Another smarteydax word. This one is an adjective that referrs to snoring: Sterterous breathing=snoring. But isn't it hard to get out! It's one of those words that doesn't really flow, it just sorta... stomps. I get stuck on the "r"s.
posted by 57chevy
hard to pronounce; never seen albeit the one time I came across these words and put them into storage. Means: notably or excessively vigorous or energetic, "speedy".
posted by dbenedik
strength- SPECIAL
As far as I know, the longest word in English (without a tense or number suffix) which contains only one vowel! Won many a "Hangman" game with this one!
posted by juditeachr
stretched- SPECIAL
Because it's the longest one-syllable word that I know about.
posted by spike
subcontinental- FUN
The only word in the English language with all five vowels in order, BACKWARDS!
posted by William_Jesdale
subcutaneous- FUN
rolls mellifluously off the tongue, bumping the consonants of the teeth and smack into the uvula
posted by shellyr
Noun: A natural grease formed from the dried perspiration found in the fleece of sheep, used as a source of potash. also, suintoid (human derogatory form).
posted by breath_of_dragon
supercilious- SPECIAL,FUN
First off, there is no question that it is fun to say. Try it. It slithers right off one's tongue. But the true brilliance of "supercilious" is this: in saying it, one immediately sounds most haughty, arrogant, and proud, thus making it the rare word which turns its speaker into what it describes.
posted by lilianriv
superfluous- ENDANGERED,FUN
Above and beyond what is needed. Endangered because you never hear it anymore and fun because of the way it rolls off the tongue.
posted by joninet
It's an elegant way of saying "lying down"
but you rarely hear it anymore.
posted by mwl1948
swell- FUN
Why is it that I feel like the only person this side of Wally Cleaver to use this word with any frequency?
posted by Richie Millennium
Sylph odd as it may be would be an invisible bee Or / A slender, graceful woman you see. / Ask of me no more here on, / and seek it more in your lexicon.
posted by blksmith
thane- SPECIAL
Macbeth was the Thane of Cawdor. (A thane is just a Scottish feudal lord.) Confuse your boss by telling her that you're the Thane of Idlewild.
posted by estephen
tomentose- SPECIAL
Me and a few of my friends found this in a large, two-volume dictionary. It means, "covered with coarse, matted, wooly hair." It's just one of those words that everyone should have in his or her vocabulary.
posted by kmrogers
transfenestration- SPECIAL,FUN
Fun because of what it means, special because it's familiar but different. It means "to throw someone/thing through a closed window".
posted by tvila
transmogrify- SPECIAL,FUN
The manner and methods by which we take a perfectly normal object (code, device, etc) and "trans"form it by "mugging" out a result that was never intended. Dig.
posted by rohles
trephination- ENDANGERED
an act or instance of perforating the skull with a surgical instrument -- trephination was performed by ancient tribes to allow demons to escape the bodies of the possessed. the act is probably performed more than the word is used!
posted by drunk
triskadekaphobia- ENDANGERED,FUN
A wonderful and sadly rare word meaning irrational fear of the number thirteen. For the connaisseur.
posted by
I love saying this word. It's got a real snap to it. It is endangered as a useful adjective, because it has developed a mocking boy scout connotation (I've got my trusty compass!)
posted by ejones1
pronounced "teet-zee"; a species of fly that transmits trypanosomiasis, or sleeping sickness, in which you have dull mentality, shuffling gait, fever, rapid pulse, and ultimately die-all from a tsetse fly!
posted by lynmarie
twitterpated- ESOF HAT TRICK
This word is never used anywhere except for the Disney version of means to be so in love as to have lost your senses...and the use of it makes you sound like a madcap yourself...
posted by justahannah
ultramundane- ESOF HAT TRICK
This is a great word 'coz it means exactly the opposite of what it sounds like. It means, literally, "out of this world," not "especially mundane".
posted by aaron_j._dinkin
underpants- SPECIAL
Not endangered, and most definitely not fun. It's special because it's one of the least pleasant words (pronunciation-wise) in the English language. Underpants. Underpants. Sometimes I just can't stop saying it. It's almost as bad as "supple".
posted by asarkozy
Fun because of the way it is spelled and pronounced. Special because it's a useful concept with few synonyms, and because it describes itself fairly well. Endangered because the typical usage lately seems to be as a synonym for "unusual".
posted by justint
untoward- ESOF HAT TRICK
1: difficult to manage : STUBBORN, WILLFUL [an untoward child] 2: INCONVENIENT, TROUBLESOME, UNLUCKY [an untoward encounter]. I think it is a special word, because you can use it on people and it doesn't really sound insulting ... but it is.
posted by vickiz
uvula- FUN
It just might save your life someday.
posted by Richie Millennium
vociferous- ENDANGERED
it basically embodies all that is loud and generally nasty. It comes, I think from 'iron voice'?? I just heard it on the radio, and thought I'd make it mine, and share it with you.
posted by maudhen
a word of Scottish derivation expressing grief or pity; alas!
posted by lynmarie
Name of the Conrail (NS)Railroad's dragging equipment/defect detector at Wampum, PA (MP 81.2, Youngstown Line, Pittsburgh Divison)
posted by ramizad
warmcut- SPECIAL
This word should be credited to Dr. Ellis's friend, whose name I don't know. It is a "new" word and hence probably not in any dictionary. It is peculiarly Canadian -- it means a tunnel or other underground route which gets you somewhere else: it is not necessarily shorter than the outside route, but it IS warmer. Most practical in a Canadian winter.
posted by fplv
weltanschauung- ENDANGERED,SPECIAL
Webster Definition: a comprehensive conception or apprehension of the world esp. from a specific standpoint.
posted by sopitz
weltschmerz- ESOF HAT TRICK
It's a cool word I just found in the dictionary, it sounds cool, it means like a general depression caused by the fact that the state of the world and life in general pretty much sucks....a pretty cool word and a feeling that I get often... so... anyone have feelings of weltshmeerz today?????
posted by sopitz
wharfinger- SPECIAL,FUN
The owner or manager of a wharf (you know, for boats). It's really neat to walk or boat up to a dock and ask for the wharfinger.
posted by billchb
Not "where" but "why". If you ask a question with "wherefore", the answer should use "therefore", e.g., "Wherefore art thou Romeo?" "That's what my parents named me; therefore I am Romeo."
posted by aaron_j._dinkin
How often nowadays do you see this word ? It means "who" when used as the object of a sentence. "To whom did you give it?" "This is the girl whom I love." "Joseph, whom I spoke to earlier, said ..." (Yeah, I know, it should be "... to whom I spoke ..."!). It's pretty rare even in writing, though I'm glad to say that the net does seem to remain as a preserve of educated usage (if email wasn't private, I could provide actual examples!) But I'm one of the few people I know who is comfortable enough with 'whom' to use it casually in speech. I think that's a loss to English.
posted by leveret
xanthic- FUN
"Yellow". It's fun because there just aren't that many words that start with an "x".
posted by culby414
Ylem is the basic substance from which the universe is made, thus everything is made of "ylem". I clicked special because It isn't very fun (unless you like sounding esp. weird) and, it is more than falling out of use (it IS out of use) so it isn't endangered, it's effectively dead. I am not sure exactly where the word comes from, but I originally found it in the "Superior Person's Book of Words", which is certainly a tome that everyone should have lying around, being both remarkably amusing, and like the word ylem, out of print.
posted by sldbrass
noun - a figure of speech by which an adjective or verb is applied to two nouns, although strictly appropriate to only one of them. Best understood by example "I composed myself and this message."